Striping on parking lots and other paved areas doesn't last forever. Striping fades and with it that crisp look that helps customers find their space in your business.
Parking lot striping helps ensure that your customers know where to park. When parking lot lines are clearly marked, it helps avoid confusion, keeps the risk of accidents to a minimum, and ensures that people have an easy time coming and going from your business. Plus, parking lot striping is important to ensure that you are being compliant with ADA laws, so that disabled individuals are able to navigate your parking lot with ease. If your striping is not visible, it can lead to stressful parking at best and accidents and fines for noncompliance at worst. The good news is that a simple parking lot striping repair company and ADA parking lot compliance service can help you fix these problems!
Don't ignore fading! Striping can give your lot a fresh look at relatively minimal cost.
Striping helps customers park correctly and move through your lot efficiently. Making sure your handicapped spaces are up to ADA specifications is vital to maintaining compliance. If you don’t maintain ADA parking lot compliance, then you are at risk for facing fines, upsetting your customers, and more.
We can make sure you have clearly defined parking spaces, required handicap spaces, convenient arrows, stop bars and painted speed bumps. All this will help your parking lot look well cared for, making your customers feel the same.
If you’re searching for the best parking lot company to help you with your parking lot striping repairs, look no further than The Paving Guys. As experts in all things parking lot, asphalt, and concrete, we are ready to help you fix your parking lot striping and make it visible again. We offer a commitment to safety while adhering to industry, legal, and local standards and laws to ensure that your parking lot meets all federal and state requirements while looking beautiful.
Go take a look at your pavement now. Got fading? Let us do something about it to make your lot look great: contact us today for a FREE onsite commercial paving consultation. Let The Paving Guys pave your way to a safe, stable, long-lasting parking lot and more.
If your parking lot lines have faded to the point of your customers being unable to clearly see the lines, it is time to consult a parking lot striping repair company about having striping repair done. Some factors that contribute to these lines fading are wear and tear from vehicles, sun exposure, extreme weather conditions, chemical exposure, and more.
Hiring a professional parking lot repair company to fix your lot’s faded striping has several benefits. Professionals like The Paving Guys have the expertise needed to ensure that your parking lot striping is repaired in a quality and timely manner while complying with safety and ADA regulations to keep your business safe.
A professional parking lot repair company can help you determine how often you should have your parking lot striping repaired since each parking lot is unique and these lines fade depending on a variety of factors. Things that make parking lot striping lines fade faster are a lot of traffic coming in and out of the parking lot, extreme weather conditions, and a lack of regular maintenance.