Parking lots and other paved areas don't last forever. They develop cracks over time. Some are small, but they don't stay that way. As water creeps into your Georgia paving, cracks expand into full-fledged potholes. You know - those things that can wreak havoc on your car's axle when you drive over them?
Eventually, this can destroy your foundation. Your pavement will gradually deteriorate if you don't properly maintain it.
Some of the most dangerous cracks you can encounter are called alligator cracks. And just like the rough, rippled cracks on an alligator's back, they are a warning of impending danger. They are a sign that your pavement is wearing down due to oxidation, making it unstable. The instability will only get worse as the cracking widens and spreads.
If you don't call in an Atlanta paving company soon, those cracks will come back to bite you. Not only are they potentially dangerous to cars and pedestrians, but they can also lead to major repair work that is totally avoidable. This is why one Atlanta-based Senior Property Manager -- who is in charge of 22 buildings - always relies on The Paving Guys. She says,
"I have high standards and am very demanding and The Paving Guys know it. They've done the full gamut for us and consistently meet my expectations."
3 Reasons to Protect Your Asphalt Paving Now
Spring is the ideal time to repair or resurface your pavement. Here's why you shouldn't delay:
1) Avoid liability issues. If someone slips or trips and falls in your parking lot you could be facing a personal injury lawsuit.
2) Save money. Asphalt requires routine, scheduled maintenance. It should be a part of your facility and property budget. If not, you could be stuck with a huge bill to replace your entire lot.
3) Maintain curb appeal. A well-maintained parking lot gives tenants, employees and vendors a positive impression about your facility and improves the aesthetic appeal of your entire property.
What's the condition of your parking lot and pavement? The Paving Guys can tell you! Call 770-426-9200 or Email Us now for your FREE, PROFESSIONAL, ON-SITE EVALUATION. You'll receive a full, written report and recommendation for any crack repairs, seal-coating or resurfacing that are needed. Putting it off will likely result in huge repairs later. So contact us today!